| 1. | You're not going to get cold feet now, are you ? 你不会觉得胆小,是吧?
| 2. | William got cold feet at the last moment . 威廉最后感到很沮丧。
| 3. | He got cold feet at the last minute . 他事到临头却退缩了。
| 4. | He planned to participate in the demonstration , but then he got cold feet . 他打算参加示威,但后来临阵退缩了。
| 5. | The blustering man was ready enough with threats, but when it came to the point of carrying them out he got cold feet . 这个狂暴之徒动辄就是威胁,但临付诸行动时,他又畏缩了。
| 6. | Laura : i ' m getting cold feet about this wedding 罗拉:我对这段婚姻感到有点疑虑。
| 7. | Every time i want to ask her out , i get cold feet 每次我想约她出去,都打退堂鼓。
| 8. | She got cold feet when asked to recite in class 当她被叫起来在班上背诵时害怕了。
| 9. | After all , he couldn ' t get far with those cold feet 再说,两只脚冻僵了他也跑不远
| 10. | My friend got [ b ] cold feet [ / b ] before the exam 我的朋友在考试前打退堂鼓了。